Differences in KPIs Key Performance Indicators Due

However there are differences tween customer success and sales difference in goals The ultimate goal of both sales and customer success is to increase the company s bottom line. However the main mission of sales is to acquire more new customers in order to achieve that goal. On the other hand customer success focuses on “maximizing LTV” by increasing the satisfaction of customers acquir by sales.

Differences in roles and work content

Sales and customer success are different stages of the customer journey of the customers you are in charge of so there are big differences in terms of roles and job descriptions. The role of sales is to nurture prospects and close deals that have en hand over from marketing.  sales act Japan Phone Number List ivities gin fore the target customer comes a formal customer. On the other hand the work of customer success gins when the sales activity ends where the prospective customer comes a customer . The job of the customer success team is to properly onboard customers keep them as satisfi as possible after introducing products and services and encourage upselling and cross selling when opportunities arise.

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Providing the customer data collect and analyz

Through these efforts to sales and development departments is also an important role of customer success.  to the differences in goals and work descrid above the KPIs us in sales and customer success are also different. KPI Key Performance Indicator means important performa Email Data nce indicator and it is an index that quantifies the degree of achievement against the target and can measur. In the case of sales KPIs such as numr of business negotiations numr of new customers new contract amount are mainly us. On the other hand customer success KPIs mainly target churn rate numr of upsells retention rate etc.

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